
  • 10% Discount if tuition is paid 10 days before the start of school.
  • 20% Discount for alumni.
  • 15% Discount for students introduced by instructors.
  • 10% Discount when registering in groups of 2 or more.
  • 10% Discount when registering in groups of 2 or more.
  • Discount 500.000đ students referred by former students.
  • Discount 1.000.000đ for students.

Students need to complete tuition payment before the course begins, no later than before class starts. BA4U does not apply payment methods after the first day of school. Except for exceptional cases that are notified and considered accepted by BA4U such as: the payment process fails due to objective reasons or the student has a commitment and is approved by BA4U.

Conditions for certification:

- Students participate in at least 70% of the course.

- Complete assignments/tests to meet the requirements set by the instructor.

Deadline to receive certificate:

BA4U will issue certificates as soon as the course ends:

- Paper certificate (hard copy) in class for offline courses

- Soft certificates sent via email for online classes.

With offline class: Within 3 months (from the end of the course), in cases where the student has not received a certificate due to the student not attending class, if the student does not receive the certificate, the certificate will be canceled and invalidated. allocation.

Students who have not yet received their certificates, please come to the center during office hours (Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 17:30) and provide an address for BA4U to send the certificate.


- BA4u only re-issues the certificate if the reason comes from the student (the student filled in personal information incorrectly, for personal reasons the student wants to issue a second certificate, etc.).

- Students come to receive their certificates directly at the BA4u center during office hours (Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 17:30), or BA4U will support calling Grabship to the address you provide.

- Certificate reissuance fee: 200,000 VNĐ.

Note: Students please pay shipping fees themselves.

BA4U certificate validity:

- According to EEP IIBA policy, the certificate's validity is 01 year from the date of issue (both online and offline certificates), and is valid to supplement the PD (Professional Development) profile for the central certification exam of IIBA:

- To extend the new certificate period at BA4U, please send registration information via email or HOTLINE number to receive support and pay an additional 10% of the course fee for the course requiring a new certificate (with course information). study, the validity period begins anew at the time of issuance).

- 30% discount for those who have studied at BA4U and want to supplement and update knowledge of previously attended courses.

After registering and paying the course fee, if for legitimate reasons the student cannot attend the course, an official notification must be sent to BA4U before the opening time by email. In this case, students will have their tuition fees reserved so they can attend the next course or transfer to another BA4U course appropriate to their needs with an equivalent or higher tuition fee. Additional tuition appropriate to that course.

Reservations can only be made 6 months from the reservation period or 3 consecutive courses of BA4U that have announced the opening. If the student cannot make arrangements, the tuition payment will be considered invalid.

- In case the course cannot start on the scheduled time, BA4U will send a letter to the student and notify the new expected opening date.

- If the new opening schedule meets student needs, BA4U will reserve tuition fees for students to continue participating in the course.

- If the student cannot participate in the new class schedule, BA4U will refund the student's tuition.

Students will NOT receive a refund after paying tuition for any reason.

A4U only commits to refund tuition fees to students in cases where problems arise with the class from the center, specifically as follows:

  • - BA4U announces course cancellation: In some force majeure situations or when the conditions for opening a class are not met, BA4U is forced to cancel the course.
  • - BA4U changes the opening schedule: In case the course cannot start at the expected time or needs to start earlier, BA4U will send an email to notify students of the new opening schedule and resolve according to the following options:
    • + If the new opening schedule meets the student's needs, the student will continue to participate in the corresponding course, BA4U does not have to refund tuition.
    • + If the student cannot participate in the new class schedule, BA4U will refund the course fee to the student, provided that the student officially sends a notice of termination of participation in the course and requests a refund via email to BA4U within within 24 hours from when BA4U sends notice of the new opening schedule to students.
  • - BA4U will refund tuition fees to students according to the following process:
    • + After both parties have officially confirmed the cancellation of participation in the course, the entire tuition fee will be refunded to the student by BA4U within a maximum of 3 working days via bank transfer.
    • + Tuition payment receipt for BA4U will immediately expire.

BA4U DOES NOT ACCEPT tuition refunds in the following cases:

  • - Any request for tuition refund for unknown reasons or any request for subjective reasons originating from the student.
  • - Tuition refund requests for reasons such as "don't want to study anymore", "don't like studying anymore", "can't keep up with the program", "can't comply with the instructor's requests"...
  • - Events that occur objectively are called force majeure events, meaning events that are beyond the scope of control such as storms, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics...
  • - Natural & social phenomena:
    • + Rain, flood, fire, storm, tsunami, volcanic eruption...
    • + War, coup, strike, embargo, change in Government policy
    • + Lack of fuel, power outage, network error...
  • - Particularly in cases where students cannot arrange time to attend the course for a particularly legitimate reason (with authentic evidence), BA4U will support the student to transfer to another corresponding course with a suitable schedule. or reserve tuition for a maximum of 03 courses.

BA4U commits:

  • - Absolute confidentiality of customers' personal information provided to BA4U. The collection and use of each customer's information is only carried out with that customer's consent, unless otherwise prescribed by law.
  • - Do not use, transfer, provide or disclose to any third party the customer's personal information without the customer's permission.
  • - In case the information server is attacked by hackers leading to loss of customer personal data, BA4U will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely handling and notification to customers. known goods.
  • - BA4u only provides hard copy documents (books), does not provide soft copy documents and lecture slides.
  • - Documents are only issued once. If the student requests a second reissue, BA4U will charge a fee for that document.
  • - Các học viên học bù sẽ sử dụng tài liệu cũ. Trường hợp học viên muốn cấp tài liệu mới sẽ đóng thêm phí.
  • - The fee for reissuing documents is: 200,000 VNĐ.
  • - Note: Students please pay the shipping fee themselves in case of re-issue of documents.
  • - BA4U Training and Consulting Center absolutely prohibits SHARING DOCUMENTS AND LECTURE VIDEOS in any form (filming, taking photos, sharing, exchanging, transferring accounts to other users) within Online or Offline courses organized by BA4U.
  • - BA4U Training and Consulting Center owns absolute copyright to the lecture videos provided on the BA4U Training and Consulting Center system. Any act of copying, distributing and disseminating these videos without going through the BA4U Training and Consulting Center is illegal and violates Vietnamese intellectual property law.
  • - BA4U Training and Consulting Center has the right to sue individuals or groups for violations if there are acts that harm the interests and reputation of BA4U Training and Consulting Center.
  • - If a violation is discovered, BA4U Training and Consulting Center has the right to immediately STOP learning without compensation.

We commit and guarantee

Providing quality training services with practical knowledge and experience, helping you become professional Business Analysts as well as have many career opportunities in the 4.0 era. Thereby, affirming its role as a QUALITY - PROFESSIONAL - LEADING Business Analysis Consulting and Training Company (BA) in Vietnam.